

Nport Series 1 2-port RS-232/422/485 device server, 0 to 60°C operating temperature  NPort 5250A Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu RS-232/422/485 sang ethernet 
2 2-port RS-422/485 device server, 0 to 60°C operating temperature  NPort 5230A
3  1-port RS-232/422/485 device server, 0 to 60°C operating temperature  NPort 5150A
4 1-port RS-232 device server, 0 to 55°C operating temperature  NPort 5110
5 4 port device server, 10/100M Ethernet, RS-232/422/485, DB9 connectors, 15KV ESD, 12-48 VDC NPort 5450
6 8-port RS-232/422/485 rackmount device server with RJ45 connectors and 100-240 VAC power input NPort 5650-8
7 16 port device server, 10/100M Ethernet, RS-232/422/485, RJ-45 8pin, 15KV ESD, 100V or 240V NPort 5650-16
8 4-port RS-232/422/485 to Ethernet secure serial port server NPort 6450
Mgate 9 1-port standard Modbus gateway Mgate MB3180 Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu RS-232/422/485 sang ethernet (Note: Loại Cao Cấp -Sử dụng ứng dụng với luồng dữ liệu nhiều)
10 1-port advanced Modbus gateway, 0 to 60°C operating temperature MGate MB3170
11  2-port advanced Modbus gateway, 0 to 60°C operating temperature MGate MB3270
12 1-port standard Modbus gateway MGate MB3180
13 2-port Modbus gateway MGate MB3280
Uport 14 1-port RS-422/485 USB-to-serial converter UPort 1130 Bộ chia USB tiêu chuẩn công nghiệp
15 7-port industrial USB hub, adaptor included, 0 to 60°C operating temperature  UPort 407
16 1-port RS-232 USB-to-serial converters UPort 1110
 Converters 17 Port-powered RS-232 to RS-422/485 converters
Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu (RS232 sang RS485/RS422)
18 Industrial RS-232 to RS-422/485 converters TCC-100
Iologik 19 Universal I/O, 6 DIs, 6 relays, -10 to 60°C operating temperature ioLogik E1214 Bộ chuyển đổi tín hiệu analog, digital sang Ethernet hoặc Bộ chuyển đổi 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-10V sang Ethernet
20 Ethernet remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch, 8 DIs, 8 DIOs
ioLogik E1212
21 Ethernet remote I/O with 2-port Ethernet switch, 4 Aos
ioLogik E1241
22 Universal I/O, 4 AIs, 4 DIs, 4 DIOs, -10 to 60°C operating temperature ioLogik E1242
23 Universal controller, 8 DIs, 8 DOs, 4 DIOs, Click&Go, -10 to 60°C operating temperature ioLogik E2212
Unmanaged Switch 24 Unmanaged Ethernet switch with 5 10/100BaseT(X) ports, -10 to 60°C operating temperature EDS-205A Bộ chuyển mạch công nghiệp ( Note: loại không quản lý, cắm và chạy)
25  Unmanaged Ethernet switch with 4 10/100BaseT(X) ports, and 1 100BaseFX single-mode port with SC connector, -10 to 60°C operating temperature EDS-205A-S-SC
26 Unmanaged Ethernet switch with 8 10/100BaseT(X) ports, -10 to 60°C operating temperature EDS-208A
27 Unmanaged Ethernet switch with 7 10/100BaseT(X) ports, and 1 100BaseFX single-mode port with SC connector, -10 to 60°C operating temperature EDS-208A-S-SC
28 Entry-level unmanaged Ethernet switch with 8 10/100BaseT(X) ports, plastic housing, -10 to 60°C operating temperature EDS-208
29  Entry-level unmanaged Ethernet switch with 7 10/100BaseT(X) ports, and 1 100BaseFX single-mode port with SC connector, plastic housing, -10 to 60°C operating temperature EDS-208-S-SC
30  Unmanaged Ethernet switch with 5 10/100BaseT(X) ports, 0 to 60°C operating temperature EDS-305



Ametek Vietnam, Koso Vietnam, Sauter Vietnam, Lovato Vietnam, Festo Vietnam, HBM Vietnam, Shinho Vietnam, Raytec Vietnam, Yaskawa Vietnam, Eliwell Vietnam, MTS Vietnam, Netzsch – Versa Pump Vietnam, Werma Vietnam, E2S Vietnam, MBS AG Vietnam, ESA Vietnam, Towa Seiden Vietnam, Balluff Vietnam, Pilz Vietnam, Lsis Vietnam, Bourns Vietnam, Spraying system Vietnam, Testo Vietnam, Unipulse Vietnam, Wistro Vietnam, Micro Process Control Vietnam, Tyco fire Vietnam, E+E elektronik Vietnam, Mitsubishi Vietnam, Negele Vietnam,  Ernst Vietnam, Proxitron Vietnam, Lightalarms Vietnam, Horton Lighting Vietnam, KDK Vietnam, Appleton Vietnam, Awcwire , Yamatake Vietnam, Mitsubishi Vietnam, Moxa Vietnam, E2S Vietnam